What is Hollywood, you ask, dear children? A quorum of whores babbling endlessly on about fucking while the bordello is razed for a penny arcade -- Paul Bern

Thursday, October 27, 2011


1932. During a lull in the battle of Washington, General Douglas MacArthur, Army Chief of Staff, orders "really mean" 140 character messages to be spammed to the twitter accounts of the Bonus Army.
How the late Apocalyptists love mouthing out all about the Gold and the Silver and the Cinnamon of evil Babylon! How they want them all! How they envy Babylon her splendour, envy, envy! How they love destroying it all! The Harlot sits magnificent with her golden cup of the wine of sensual pleasure in her hand. How the Apocalyptists would have loved to drink out of her cup!
And since they couldn't: How they loved smashing it!

Ivan Krastev: The rise of populism and the mistrust of the elites have reduced European politics to a clash between the anti-corruption rhetoric of the public and the anti-populist rhetoric of the establishment. There is no new collective utopia to capture the public’s imagination. Simply, a majority of people tend to view all that governments do as corrupt, while governments tend to respond to any demand for policy change with accusations of populism. Instead of bringing new life to the political left or the political right, the current economic crisis has challenged the very notion of the left-right structure of democratic politics. Europe and the world have gone populist. But it is a strange version of populism – people revolt not to enact a clear vision of what they want to change, but to exact revenge and punishment. The rebels of today do not oppose the status quo of yesterday – they seek to preserve it. This pro-status quo radicalism can best be seen on the streets of Paris, where last year students protested against an increase in the pension age, even though the pension age in France was one of lowest in Europe. One has the feeling that Europe is populated only by immigrants and current or future pensioners. What most people fear is not the status quo; what they fear is change. The situation is 1968 in reverse. In 1968 students on the streets of Europe declared their desire to live in a world different from that of their parents; now students are on the street to declare their desire to live in the world of their parents.

This is only a little disingenuous...the protesters correctly understand that they will be the great losers in the scale of globalized "change". They aren't insurrectionists but watchers of their own fates. They naturally want a televised record of their noble rancor and defeat. When the collective ego is undercapitalized, its narcissisms must be sustained like the terminal stages of a boom, and require perpetual bailouts of media attention.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Where are the anthropologists? The Cargo Cult of Real Income is in full flower! We need insight into this primitive, innocent society ruled by an enigmatic priest figure  
known as the C.P.A...

The overrated hit the stage
Overpaid and over here
And their idea of counter-culture's
Momma's charge account at Sears
And they're wondering why we can't connect
With the ritual of the trashed guitar
One more paltry empty gesture
The ashes of a burned out star
Yes here they come, both old and young
A contact low or high

The gathering of the tribes descending
Vultures from a caustic sky
The rotting carcass of July
An ugly sun hung out to dry

Your gorgeous hippy dreams are dying
Your frazzled brains are putrifying
Repackaged, sold and sanitized
The devil's music exorcised
You live, you die, you lie, you lie, you die
Perpetuate the lie
Just to perpetuate the lie
Yes yes yes it's the summer Autumn festival
The truly detestable
Summer Autumn Festival

Thursday, October 6, 2011


VEVEY, SUISSE -- Charles Chaplin was questioned by Swiss authorities today concerning a serious violation of French Law, on a possible charge of trivializing and encouraging representations of genocide not directed by Claude Lanzmann. The aging comic, known for playing Adenoid Hynkel, a thinly veiled caricature of Danish auteur Lars Von Trier, commented that he knows how Von Trier feels and that he now has empathy for him.

For his part, Von Trier had this to say: "I can heartily recommend the Gestapo to anyone." He then took his German Shepherd, Petain, for a long walk in the woods. The faithful dog was discovered with the still warm corpse.